Example 2: Plotting volumetric data

This example shows how to project data from a NIFTI volume onto a surface, and then display the result.

Data is a Left vs Right hand localizer contrast (t-map) for a single subject of the Midnight Scan Club dataset 1. Data is obtained from Neurovault via nilearn and then projected from MNI152 coordinates to fsLR surfaces using neuromaps.


Gordon EM, et al. 2017. Precision Functional Mapping of Individual Human Brains. Neuron. 95:791–807.e7.

MSC05 Left > Right Hand
# Code source: Dan Gale
# License: BSD 3 clause

from nilearn.datasets import fetch_neurovault_ids
from nilearn.plotting.cm import _cmap_d as nilearn_cmaps
from neuromaps.transforms import mni152_to_fslr
from neuromaps.datasets import fetch_fslr
from surfplot import Plot
from surfplot.utils import threshold

data = fetch_neurovault_ids(image_ids=[47307], verbose=0)
img = data['images'][0]

# project from MNI to fslr; GIFTI surfaces are returned
gii_lh, gii_rh = mni152_to_fslr(img)

# threshold after projection to avoid interpolation artefacts
data_lh = threshold(gii_lh.agg_data(), 3)
data_rh = threshold(gii_rh.agg_data(), 3)

# get surfaces + sulc maps
surfaces = fetch_fslr()
lh, rh = surfaces['inflated']
sulc_lh, sulc_rh = surfaces['sulc']

p = Plot(lh, rh)
p.add_layer({'left': sulc_lh, 'right': sulc_rh}, cmap='binary_r', cbar=False)

# cold_hot is a common diverging colormap for neuroimaging
cmap = nilearn_cmaps['cold_hot']
p.add_layer({'left': data_lh, 'right': data_rh}, cmap=cmap,
            color_range=(-11, 11))

# make a nice vertical colorbar on the right side of the figure
kws = dict(location='right', draw_border=False, aspect=10, shrink=.2,
           decimals=0, pad=0)
fig = p.build(cbar_kws=kws)
fig.axes[0].set_title('MSC05 Left > Right Hand', pad=-3)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.318 seconds)

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