Source code for surfplot.plotting

"""Main module containing the Plot class
import pathlib
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import nibabel as nib
from brainspace.mesh.mesh_io import read_surface
from brainspace.plotting.utils import PTuple
from brainspace.mesh.array_operations import get_labeling_border
from brainspace.vtk_interface.wrappers import BSPolyData

from .surf import plot_surf

def _check_surf(surf):
    """Validate surface type and load if a file name"""
    if isinstance(surf, (str, pathlib.Path)):
        return read_surface(str(surf))
    elif isinstance(surf, BSPolyData) or (surf is None):
        return surf
        raise ValueError('Surface be a path-like string, an instance of '
                         'BSPolyData, or None')

def _set_layout(lh, rh, layout, views, mirror=False):
    """Determine hemisphere and view layout based user input"""
    valid_layouts = ['grid', 'row', 'column']
    if layout not in  valid_layouts:
        raise ValueError(f'layout must be one of {valid_layouts}')
    if isinstance(views, str):
        views = [views]
    valid_views = ['medial', 'lateral', 'ventral', 'dorsal', 'anterior', 
    if not set(views) <= set(valid_views):
        raise ValueError(f'layout must be one of {valid_views}') 

    n_hemi = len([x for x in [lh, rh] if x is not None])
    n_views = len(views)

    # create view (v) and hemisphere (h) matrices for plotting layout
    v, h = np.array([], dtype=object), np.array([], dtype=object)
    if lh is not None:
        v = np.concatenate([v, np.array(views)])
        h = np.concatenate([h, np.array(['left'] * n_views)])
    if rh is not None:
        # flip medial/lateral
        view_key = dict(medial='lateral', lateral='medial', dorsal='dorsal', 
                        ventral='ventral', anterior='anterior', 
        # determine view order                 
        if mirror and (layout != 'grid') and (lh is not None):
            rh_views = [view_key[i] for i in reversed(views)]
            rh_views = [view_key[i] for i in views]
        v = np.concatenate([v, np.array(rh_views)])
        h = np.concatenate([h, np.array(['right'] * n_views)])

    if layout == 'grid':
        v = v.reshape(n_hemi, n_views).T
        h = h.reshape(n_hemi, n_views).T    
    elif layout == 'column':
        v = v.reshape(v.shape[0], 1)
        h = h.reshape(h.shape[0], 1)

    # flatten if applicable (nb: grid layout with 1 hemi is a row)
    if ((n_hemi == 1) or (n_views == 1)) and (layout != 'column'):
        v = v.ravel()
        h = h.ravel()

    return v.tolist(), h.tolist()

def _flip_hemispheres(v, h):
    """Flip left and right hemispheres in the horizontal dimension

    v : list
        View layout list
    h : list
        Hemisphere layout list

    list, list
        Flipped view and hemisphere layouts 
    v = np.array(v)
    h = np.array(h)
    if (v.ndim == 1) and (v.shape[0] > 1):
        # flip row
        flip_axis = 0
    elif (v.ndim == 2) and (v.shape[1] > 1):
        # flip grid
        flip_axis = 1
    return np.flip(v, flip_axis).tolist(), np.flip(h, flip_axis).tolist()

def _check_data(data):
    """Ensure that data is of appropriate type and return numpy array"""
    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        return data.astype(float)
    elif isinstance(data, (str, pathlib.PosixPath)):
        data = nib.load(data)
    elif isinstance(data, (nib.Cifti2Image, nib.GiftiImage)):
        raise TypeError('data must be a file path to a valid GIFTI or CIFTI '
                        'file, or an instance of numpy.ndarray, '
                        'nibabel.Cifti2Image nibabel.GiftiImage')
    if isinstance(data, nib.Cifti2Image):
        return data.get_fdata().ravel().astype(float)
        return data.agg_data().ravel().astype(float)

def _find_color_range(v):
    """Find min and max of both hemispheres"""
    hemis = ['left', 'right']
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # not necessary to warn the user about this. NaNs won't impact anything
        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'All-NaN (slice|axis) encountered')
        vmin = np.nanmin([np.nanmin(v[h]) for h in hemis if h in v])
        vmax = np.nanmax([np.nanmax(v[h]) for h in hemis if h in v])
    return vmin, vmax

def _set_label_positions(location, rotation):
    """Get rotation, horizontal alignment, and vertical alignment, 
    respectively, based on orientation and rotation
    if location in ['top', 'bottom']:
        rotation = 'horizontal' if rotation is None else rotation
        return rotation, 'right', 'center'
    elif location in ['left', 'right']:
        rotation = 90 if rotation is None else rotation
        if rotation == 90 or rotation == 0:
            return rotation, 'center', 'bottom'
            return rotation, 'left', 'bottom'
        raise ValueError("`location` must be 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or "

def _set_colorbar_labels(cbar, label, location, fontsize=10, rotation=None):
    """Add colorbar labels to drawn colorbar"""
    valid_locations = ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']
    if location not in valid_locations:
        raise ValueError(f"`location` must be one of {valid_locations}")

    rotation, ha, va = _set_label_positions(location, rotation)
    label_args = dict(rotation=rotation, ha=ha, va=va, fontsize=fontsize)
    if location in ['top', 'bottom']:, **label_args)
    else:, pad=10, **label_args)
    return cbar

[docs]class Plot(object): """Plot brain surfaces with data layers Parameters ---------- surf_lh, surf_rh : str or os.PathLike or BSPolyData, optional Left and right hemisphere cortical surfaces, either as a file path to a valid surface file (e.g., .gii. .surf) or a pre-loaded surface from :func:`brainspace.mesh.mesh_io.read_surface`. At least one hemisphere must be provided. Default: None layout : {'grid', 'column', 'row'}, optional Layout in which to plot brain surfaces. 'row' plots brains as a single row ordered from left-to-right hemispheres (if applicable), 'column' plots brains as a single column descending from left-to-right hemispheres (if applicable). 'grid' plots surfaces as a views-by-hemisphere (left-right) array; if only one hemipshere is provided, then 'grid' is equivalent to 'row'. By default 'grid'. views : {'lateral', 'medial', 'dorsal', 'ventral', 'anterior', 'posterior'}, str or list[str], optional Views to plot for each provided hemisphere. Views are plotted in in the order they are provided. If None, then lateral and medial views are plotted. Default: None mirror_views : bool, optional Flip the order of the right hemisphere views for 'row' or 'column' layouts, such that they mirror the left hemisphere views. Ignored if `surf_rh` is None and `layout` is 'grid'. flip : bool, optional Flip the display order of left and right hemispheres in `grid` or `row` layouts, if applicable. Useful when showing only 'anterior` or 'inferior' views. Default: False size : tuple of int, optional The size of the space to plot surfaces, defined by (width, height). Note that this differs from `figsize` in, which determines the overall figure size for the matplotlib figure. Default: (500, 400) zoom : int, optional Level of zoom to apply. Default: 1.5 background : tuple, optional Background color, default: (1, 1, 1) label_text : dict[str, array-like], optional Brainspace label text for column/row. Possible keys are {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’}, which indicate the location. See brainspace.plotting.surface_plotting.plot_surf for more details Default: None. brightness : float, optional Brightness of plain gray surface. 0 = black, 1 = white. Default: .5 Raises ------ ValueError Neither `surf_lh` or `surf_rh` are provided """ def __init__(self, surf_lh=None, surf_rh=None, layout='grid', views=None, mirror_views=False, flip=False, size=(500, 400), zoom=1.5, background=(1, 1, 1), label_text=None, brightness=.5): hemi_inputs = zip(['left', 'right'], [surf_lh, surf_rh]) self.surfaces = {k: _check_surf(v) for k, v in hemi_inputs if v is not None} if len(self.surfaces) == 0: raise ValueError('No surfaces are provided') if views == None: views = ['lateral', 'medial'] self.plot_layout = _set_layout(surf_lh, surf_rh, layout, views, mirror_views) self.flip = flip # plot_surf args self.size = size self.zoom = zoom self.background = background self.label_text = label_text # these are updated with each overlay self.layers, self.cmaps, self.color_ranges = [], [], [] self._show_cbar, self.cbar_labels = [], [] # add gray surface default: backdrop = np.ones(sum([v.n_points for v in self.surfaces.values()])) brightness = 1e-6 if brightness == 0 else brightness backdrop *= brightness self.add_layer(backdrop, 'Greys_r', color_range=(0, 1), cbar=False)
[docs] def add_layer(self, data, cmap='viridis', alpha=1, color_range=None, as_outline=False, zero_transparent=True, cbar=True, cbar_label=None): """Add plotting layer to surface(s) Parameters ---------- data : str or os.PathLike, numpy.ndarray, dict, nibabel.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage, or nibabel.cifti2.cifti2.Cifti2Image Vertex data to plot on surfaces. Must be a valid file path of a GIFTI or CIFTI image, a loaded GIFTI or CIFTI image, a numpy array with length equal to the total number of vertices in the provided surfaces (e.g., 32k in left surface + 32k in right surface = 64k total), or a dictionary with 'left' and/or 'right keys. If a numpy array, vertices are assumed to be in order of left-to-right, if applicable. If a dictionary, then values can be any of the possible types mentioned above, assuming that the vertices match the vertices of their respective surface. cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional Colormap to use for data, default: 'viridis' alpha : float, optional Colormap opacity (0 to 1). Default: 1 color_range : tuple[float, float], optional Minimum and maximum value for color map. If None, then the minimum and maximum values in `data` are used. Default: None as_outline : bool, optional Plot only an outline of contiguous vertices with the same value. Useful if plotting regions of interests, atlases, or discretized data. Not recommended for continous data. Default: False zero_transparent : bool, optional Set vertices with value of 0 to NaN, which will turn them transparent on the surface. Useful when value of 0 has no importance (e.g., thresholded data, an atlas). Default: True cbar : bool, optional Show colorbar for layer, default: True cbar_label : str, optional Label to include with colorbar if shown. Note that this is not required for the colorbar to be drawn. Default: None Raises ------ ValueError `data` keys must be 'left' and/or 'right' TypeError `data` is neither an instance of str or os.PathLike, numpy.ndarray, dict, nibabel.gifti.gifti.GiftiImage, or nibabel.cifti2.cifti2.Cifti2Image """ # let the name just be the layer number name = str(len(self.layers)) valid_types = (np.ndarray, str, pathlib.PosixPath, nib.GiftiImage, nib.Cifti2Image) if isinstance(data, valid_types): data = _check_data(data) vertices = {} if len(self.surfaces.keys()) == 2: lh_points = self.surfaces['left'].n_points rh_points = self.surfaces['right'].n_points vertices['left'] = data[:lh_points] vertices['right'] = data[lh_points:lh_points + rh_points] else: key = list(self.surfaces.keys())[0] vertices[key] = data elif isinstance(data, dict): if set(data.keys()) <= set(['left', 'right']): vertices = {k: _check_data(v) for k, v in data.items()} else: raise ValueError("Only valid keys for `data` are 'left' " "and/or 'right'") else: raise TypeError("Data type invalid") for k, v in self.surfaces.items(): if k in vertices.keys(): if as_outline: x = get_labeling_border( v, np.nan_to_num(vertices[k]) ).astype(float) else: x = vertices[k] if zero_transparent: x[x == 0] = np.nan v.append_array(x, name=name, at='p') else: # blank layer for unspecified hemisphere x = np.zeros(v.n_points) x[x == 0] = np.nan v.append_array(x, name=name, at='p') if alpha < 1: if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) cmapV = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N)) cmapV[:, -1] = alpha cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(cmapV) self.layers.append(name) self.cmaps.append(cmap) if color_range is None: self.color_ranges.append(_find_color_range(vertices)) else: self.color_ranges.append(color_range) self._show_cbar.append(cbar) self.cbar_labels.append(cbar_label)
[docs] def render(self, offscreen=True): """Generate surface plot with all provided layers Parameters ---------- offscreen : bool, optional Render offscreen. Default: True Returns ------- brainspace.plotting.base.Plotter Surface plot """ view_layout, hemi_layout = self.plot_layout dims = np.array(view_layout).shape if self.flip and len(self.surfaces) == 2: view_layout, hemi_layout = _flip_hemispheres(view_layout, hemi_layout) # create plot tuples layers = PTuple(*self.layers) cmaps = PTuple(*self.cmaps) crange = PTuple(*self.color_ranges) if all(i != 1 for i in dims) and (len(dims) == 2): # grid layout names = [[layers] * dims[1]] * dims[0] cmap = [cmaps] * dims[1] color_range = [crange] * dims[1] else: # column or row layout names = [layers] cmap = [cmaps] color_range = [crange] return plot_surf(surfs=self.surfaces, layout=hemi_layout, array_name=names, cmap=cmap, color_bar=False, color_range=color_range, view=view_layout, background=self.background, zoom=self.zoom, nan_color=(0, 0, 0, 0), share=False, label_text=self.label_text, size=self.size, return_plotter=True, offscreen=offscreen)
[docs] def _add_colorbars(self, location='bottom', label_direction=None, n_ticks=3, decimals=2, fontsize=10, draw_border=True, outer_labels_only=False, aspect=20, pad=.08, shrink=.3, fraction=.05): """Draw colorbar(s) for applicable layer(s) Parameters ---------- location : {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}, optional The location, relative to the surface plot. If location is 'top' or 'bottom', then colorbars are horizontal. If location is'left' or 'right', then colorbars are vertical. label_direction : int or None, optional Angle to draw label for colorbars, if provided. Horizontal = 0, vertical = 90. If None and `location` is 'top' or 'bottom', labels are drawn horizontally. If None and `location` is 'left' or 'right', labels are drawn vertically. Default: None n_ticks : int, optional Number of ticks to include on colorbar, default: 3 (minimum, maximum, and middle values) decimals : int, optional Number of decimals to show for colorbal tick values. Set 0 to show integers. Default: 2 fontsize : int, optional Font size for colorbar labels and tick labels. Default: 10 draw_border : bool, optional Draw ticks and black border around colorbar. Default: True outer_labels_only : bool, optional Show tick labels for only the outermost colorbar. This cleans up tick labels when all colorbars are the same scale. Default: False pad : float, optional Space that separates each colorbar. Default: .08 aspect : float, optional Ratio of long to short dimensions. Default: 20 shrink : float, optional Fraction by which to multiply the size of the colorbar. Default: .3 fraction : float, optional Fraction of original axes to use for colorbar. Default: .05 """ cbar_pads = [.01] + [pad] * (len(self._show_cbar) - 1) cbar_indices = [i for i, c in enumerate(self._show_cbar) if c] # draw in reverse order so that outermost colorbar is uppermost layer for i in cbar_indices[::-1]: vmin, vmax = self.color_ranges[i] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin, vmax) sm =[i], norm=norm) sm.set_array([]) ticks = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n_ticks) cb = plt.colorbar(sm, ticks=ticks, location=location, fraction=fraction, pad=cbar_pads[i], shrink=shrink, aspect=aspect, ax=plt.gca()) tick_labels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n_ticks) if decimals > 0: tick_labels = np.around(tick_labels, decimals) else: tick_labels = tick_labels.astype(int) if outer_labels_only and i != cbar_indices[-1]: cb.set_ticklabels([]) else: cb.set_ticklabels(tick_labels) if self.cbar_labels[i] is not None: cb = _set_colorbar_labels(cb, self.cbar_labels[i], location, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=label_direction) if not draw_border: cb.outline.set_visible(False)
[docs] def build(self, figsize=None, colorbar=True, cbar_kws=None, scale=(2, 2)): """Build matplotlib figure of surface plot Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple, optional Overall figure size, specified by (width, height). Default: None, which will determine the figure size based on the `size` parameter. colorbar : bool, optional Draw colorbars for each applicable layer, default: True cbar_kws : dict, optional Keyword arguments for :func:`~surfplot.plottong.Plot._add_colorbar`. Default: None, which will plot the default colorbar parameters. scale : tuple, optional Amount to scale the surface plot. Default: (2, 2), which is a good baseline for higher resolution plotting. Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.figure Surface plot figure """ p = self.render() p._check_offscreen() x = p.to_numpy(transparent_bg=True, scale=scale) if figsize is None: figsize = tuple((np.array(self.size) / 100) + 1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.imshow(x) ax.axis('off') if colorbar: cbar_kws = {} if cbar_kws is None else cbar_kws self._add_colorbars(**cbar_kws) return fig
[docs] def show(self, embed_nb=False, interactive=True, transparent_bg=True, scale=(1, 1)): """View Brainspace vtk surface rendering Notes ----- This only shows the plot created by brainspace.plotting.surface_plotting.plot_surf, and will not include colorbars created by :func:`~surfplot.plottong.Plot.plot` or any other matplotlib components. Parameters ---------- embed_nb : bool, optional Whether to embed figure in notebook. Only used if running in a notebook. Default: False interactive : bool, optional Whether to enable interaction, default: True scale : tuple, optional Amount to scale the surface plot, default: (1, 1) Returns ------- Ipython Image or vtk panel Brainspace surface plot rendering """ p = self.render(offscreen=False) return, interactive, scale=scale)