Source code for surfplot.datasets

"""Convenient data fetchers for tutorial examples"""

import os
import numpy as np

DATA = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data'))

[docs]def load_example_data(dataset='default_mode', join=False): """Load example datasets for tutorials Precomputed association maps for terms 'default mode' or 'frontoparietal' using Neurosynth. In brief, maps were downloaded from Neurosynth and projected to fsLR space using ``neuromaps.transforms.mni152_to_fslr``. Then, their vertex arrays were saved. 1. Default mode: 2. Frontoparietal: Yarkoni T, Poldrack RA, Nichols TE, Van Essen DC, Wager TD. 2011. Large-scale automated synthesis of human functional neuroimaging data. Nat Methods. 8:665–670. Parameters ---------- dataset : {'default_mode', 'frontoparietal'}, optional Neurosynth association map. Default: 'default_mode' join : bool, optional Return data as a single concatenated array. Default: False, which returns left and right hemisphere arrays, respectively Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Vertex array(s) """ if dataset not in ['default_mode', 'frontoparietal']: raise ValueError("dataset must be one 'default_mode' or " "'frontoparietal'") lh = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(DATA, f'lh_{dataset}_example.tsv')) rh = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(DATA, f'rh_{dataset}_example.tsv')) if join: return np.concatenate([lh, rh]) else: return lh, rh